Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A new month, a new me

I wanted to give you the heads up this post is about weight and is really long...reader(s) you have been warned. I'm in a rut...a post baby body rut. A barely any of my clothes fit rut. A fall is on it's way and I want some new clothes but not in a bigger size rut. Okay, moving on.
When I was pregnant with Braeden I didn't pay much attention to the scale. I started at a very healthy weight and gained around 40 lbs. He was born at the end of October and by Christmas, 9 weeks later I was able to fit back into my pre pregnancy jeans. The second time around I didn't get so lucky. This time around I only packed on 35 pounds and thought it was going to be just as easy, if not easier to lose. Chasing around a 3 year old and caring for an infant is a serious workout..right? Well long story short here I am 19 weeks in and still cannot button those same jeans. I lost some initial weight and then some but have been hovering around the same spot for the last couple months. About 15 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight and about 30 from where I would like to be.
I've been doing some work outs and eating right but nothing consistent and nothing that seems to be working. Don't get me wrong I feel awesome for having grown a healthy little human and know that it takes a lot longer than 4 1/2 months to get back the body I used to have. But, I'm tired of feeling so crappy all the time and disappointed by the numbers on the scale.
That being said I've set 3 REALISTIC goals for myself and will start on September 1st:
1. Lose 20lbs-pretty self explanatory and right in between where I was and want to be. I'm giving myself until October 22nd for this goal. 
2. Run Gobble Wobble 5K on Thanksgiving-I really want to get back into running and with the cooler weather approaching what better time to get out and hit the pavement?!
3. 30 for 30 day challenge-I found this reading through another blog and thought it was a great idea! I'm going to take a picture everyday of what I am wearing and hopefully with time will see my transformation.
I decided I would need some help so I invested in a couple things...this and this. Everything else I already have. When all is said and done, well not done but when I get back to where I want to be I am taking the day and going shopping! What better motivation than a new/smaller wardrobe?!

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