Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby birds

Yesterday in the mail Braeden received a postcard. It was from his teacher to be introducing herself, letting him know what class he would be in, all the fun things planned for this year, and that she hopes he enjoys the rest of his summer. To see the postcard made me smile, reading it made me cry. I am a complete sap when it comes to these things and I am already preparing myself for the day when we drop him off at school(Sept 8th). Literally he has class a few hours a day 2 days a week...pull yourself together woman!
There are so many times I want to freeze time and keep them the way they are. My beautiful boys who let me kiss them, hug them, snuggle them, play games with, read stories to, and love everyday. I'll look at them laying next to me as they sleep, I want to save these images forever. Little babes dreaming away, watching their bodies rise and fall with each breath so peacefully.
This postcard was another reminder that life is in constant motion and these boys won't stay small forever. As much as I want to hold onto these moments and keep these boys just the way they are I know I have to let go. With each day is something amazing, something to enjoy, and something that while it may pass it won't be something to forget. We'll teach and love these little birds all we can until one day they'll be on there own...taking flight on their own adventures. 

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