Sunday, August 7, 2011

1 year ago today

I took a test and it changed our lives forever. Those 2 pink lines confirmed what I had a feeling about all week. The days leading up to that test I had been feeling queasy. Just an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach all day long. When Friday came around and no sign of Aunt Flo I told myself I would take a test the next day. I just knew what the answer was going to be. I remember it like yesterday. Brian had left early that morning to go golfing and I was home with Braeden. I took the test and in less than the time it needed that little test told me I was going to be a mom again. I was so excited and told Braeden he was going to be a big brother and gave him a hug. Waiting until Brian came home later that day was unbearable and felt like days instead of hours. So many times I had my phone in my hand ready to call and share the news. I had to tell him in person so I resisted. Once he walked in the door I had Braeden run up and tell his daddy he was going to be a big brother. He was so excited and we all hugged and cried.
Here we are a year later and Cole is now 16 weeks old. He is growing so fast and everyday I'm thankful for my sweet baby boy.

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