Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wedding crasher

Happy weekend! How I look forward to Saturday and Sunday all week long. Not that I get to sleep in or anything but we do get to relax in our pj's, sip our coffee, and enjoy our time together.
This weekend we are preparing for Irene. Not the out of town friend or relative you might be thinking but the hurricane that's making her way up the east coast. We have our candles, water, canned goods, and bread all set to go just in case. 
Brian and I have a wedding to go to tonight. Our friend Rebecca is getting married and we are so happy for her and Zack. They say it's good luck for it to rain on your wedding day and with Irene on the guest list it looks like these 2 will be the luckiest people around. Congrats to them both!
However your spending your days off hope they're great and everyone stays safe. 

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