Monday, August 1, 2011

August-a look ahead

Wow, I can't believe it's August 1st already! These summer days we spend all year longing for pass by way to quick. We usually try and spend the weekends swimming, tanning, and sipping cold drinks down at my parents pool. We have been really busy this year with the 2 boys, cool treats, a trip to the beach, weekend adventures, block parties, bridal showers, and a wedding.
I love August. The days are hot and the nights start to get cool. Perfect weather for sitting out back stargazing with my honey. We talk about the boys, our hopes, and our dreams. August is also a month of birthday's for our family and this year it holds 2 very big one's. Kaitlyn, my youngest sister is turning the big 21! A very cool milestone in any young adults life...especially those who have not opted for a fake ID. Also Patrick, Brian's youngest brother is turning 16. I'm sure he will be hitting the roads in no time! Happy Birthday to them both, along with my mom, Cousin Kelly, gram, and Uncle Gary who also have birthday's this month.
Just as the summer passes so does life, in a blink, the 2 youngest of our siblings are not the little babes I once remember. We will be taking advantage of these last days of summer with a fun month of celebrating birthday's, going to the beach, relaxing by the pool, taking long walks, and topping it off with another friend's wedding. Looks like September will be here before we know it!

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