Friday, July 29, 2011

Dear Cole

You are so beautiful. Your dad and I can't stop staring at you and smiling. Amazingly you stare back at us and smile too. You know who we are, know that we love you, and know that we will do anything in the world to keep you safe and happy. You are getting so chubby, your blond hair reminds me of the sun, and those eyes, the same eyes as your mom, are as blue as the sky. We love you.
You are 3 1/2 months old now. You are strong like your brother. You have been reaching for everything and never fails whatever you can get a hold of you put it in your mouth. You are such a smiley little guy and you laugh. Oh, you laugh and it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard. Your brother makes you laugh the most. You were cracking up the other day watching as he bounced around on the family room furniture. I love watching you two grow together, as brothers and as friends. He loves you so much and I can tell you love him too. You love music and being outdoors. You love taking walks and rocking in my arms. You are just so content all the time. You have been sleeping through the night since you were 8 weeks old. It is wonderful and even before that you would just wake up once or twice a night to eat then fall right back asleep.
My little heart, I love watching you grow everyday. It saddens me how fast this time goes. I try and take all the pictures I can to catch these magical moments and will keep these memories with me forever. You have made us all so happy. Thank you.

Love Always,

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