Thursday, July 21, 2011

The fruits of my labor

Back in early May when the weather was beginning to warm up we decided to plant a garden. I knew the timing was right because it was truly spring.  The air was getting warm and thick. The sun trickled through the blinds a little earlier each morning taking over the duties of the alarm clock. And, the only shoes I would have to worry about for the next 5 months were my flip flops...oh I love flip flops...and tiny baby fingers and toes.

So, I went to Braeden and asked him for help and what he wanted to grow. He told me he wanted cucumbers and tomatoes. Off we went to Lowe's garden center and picked up 4 cucumber plants, 2 peppers, 2 tomatoes(1 beefsteak/1 cherry) and mint. He was so excited to help and rolled up his sleeves and got to work with his little shovel. I did the same but with my new gardening tools the guys had given me for Mother's Day.

We had so much fun together, and of course Cole was there too. Snoozing in his seat next to us the whole time. We weeded, dug, planted, and watered. He checked out all the bugs and smelled all the leaves. I smiled the whole time enjoying this time with my boys. Watching, learning, daydreaming of all the meals I'll make with these veggies. Those days of my maternity leave, just the 3 of us while dad was at work, I loved. It is so special share the things I love with these boys...the sun, the fresh air, the outdoors. My time off with them both didn't last long, 12 weeks to be exact and from here on out they will be few and far between...for now. Though I'll remember that day, these times with every tomato I pick and cucumber I slice up for a fresh summery salad.

Our little garden that began only a few months ago is blossoming and booming with beautiful colors and smells. They watch the garden grow and I watch them, getting bigger and more beautiful by the second.

Everyday when I pick them up after work, we go out water our veggies, pick the brightest and ripest of the bunch, and enjoy them with our dinner. Our first meal: chicken tacos and a lovely mojito for and pictures to come!

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