Friday, July 22, 2011

The weekend, and some firsts

I am so glad it is Friday! I have officially survived 2 weeks back at work. This week went a lot quicker than last and I must admit we are getting pretty good at our little morning routine. It does help to have a 3 1/2 year old that dresses himself and always holds the door for me when we are on our way out. He makes me laugh every morning, he'll walk over carrying his shoes, one in each hand. He'll hold them out and ask if he has them on the correct side before he puts them on. I can't believe in just a few months he'll be putting on those shoes and we'll be heading out the door for nursery school. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital.
We have a fun filled weekend planned. We are traveling up to Albany to visit Brian's grandparents. It will be the first time they will meet Cole and a very special trip. It is also a first for me. After we visit the grandparents we are off to Silver Lake. A vacation spot that Brian has gone to since he was little and has many fond memories of. This will be my first of hopefully many trips we can make there as a family. I am really looking forward to spending time with Brian, the boys, and all the rest of Brian's family we don't get to see to often being everyone is spread out across the country. He always tells me stories of his childhood, so many happy ones at Silver Lake. He is a kid again when he talks about his family, the adventures they had, and the games they played. One game in particular where Pa(Brian's grandfather) would hand out dollar bills to the kids as they were the first to do things. The first to catch a fish, the first to find a frog, the first to do a cannonball into the lake. I was never there but it makes me laugh to imagine all these little kids running around like crazy hoping to be the first and so proudly going up to Pa and getting that dough. Brian got his final dollar almost 4 years ago from Pa. It was when Braeden was born and was for having the first great grandson in the family. Sadly we will only stay till Sunday while everyone gets to enjoy the week together. I'm sure some new tradition's will be found and some old one's will find there way to a new generation. 
I've got a lot to do before our little adventure so it's off to pack. Happy weekend friends.

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