Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We met on a Tuesday

It was about this time 5 years ago when our paths first crossed. I remember the night very well as it is one of those times in my life that seems like just yesterday. The details, the smell, everything about it is so vivid. A memory in life that is so clear, like the day we were married and the births of our children. 
It was a Tuesday and I was working at the bar. You came in dressed in your finest mesh shorts and t-shirt. You ordered a Coors Lite and chicken fingers. We introduced ourselves and talked about many things like how you just quit your job and your favorite foods included mac and cheese and pizza. You were also looking for some T.V. series suggestions and actually took my advice on what to watch. I knew you would love Grey's Anatomy. We also chatted about how much we both loved Atlantic City, you stuck to black jack and I liked roulette. It wasn't long after that we made the trip there and had our first date. 
I didn't know that night that you would be my husband one day or the father of our children. I didn't know how much I could love someone and be loved in return. I didn't know what our future held and as I look back over these past 5 years it has been quite a roller coaster.
So many things we have experienced in these years...growing, learning, and loving. All the while becoming better individuals because of each other. We have a long way to go and this is still only the beginning. Maybe it was fate that brought you in that Tuesday night or maybe it was the beer special. Whichever it may have been just know I love you either way. 

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