Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5 months

Cole turned 5 months this past Saturday the17th. It also happened to be my dad's birthday. Happy birthday dad even though I know you don't read this.
This little guy is seriously growing more awesome everyday.
Here's whats going on:
Weight/Height: I have no clue but when he is for sure bigger than a month ago. He has outgrown all his 0-6 months clothes which I sadly packed away this past weekend. It was very emotional. All those tiny clothes I spent hours washing, drying, folding, organizing, and putting away when I was anxiously waiting for arrival are packed away in storage bins and banished to the basement.
Sleep: Pretty much the same as last month. He is going through 8-10 hour stretches but sometimes he'll wake up and have a hard time going back to sleep. I'll here him banging his little legs down on the mattress or talking to himself. Usually some good cuddles will help him fall right back asleep. He will nap a couple times during the day anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
Loves: Fisher Price Rain Forest bouncer, anything he can shove in his mouth, talking walks in his stroller, Sophie, and watching his brother.
What's new: Cole was given the green light to start solid foods. He's tried a variety of fruits and veggies now and is eating really well. He loves the orange one's and hate's the green. He also recently starting sitting up unsupported. We can sit him down on the floor and he manages to balance himself for a good 5-10 minutes before he comes toppling over.
Here are a few recent pic's! Sorry for the crap quality. They are from my phone and my camera is still not with me. I am making a serious effort to get it back this weekend. Also, The Smith's have a big announcement to share in the next couple weeks so be ready for some exciting news...and no, I am not pregnant!

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