Thursday, September 29, 2011

October a look ahead

Is it possible that each month goes faster than the last? We are rounding the corner into the last quarter of the year going full steam. October is busy but it is also one of my favorite's! I have already started putting out our fall decorations over the past couple weeks. I love Halloween, mums, cornstalks, and candy corn. I love the changing leaves(minus the raking), crisp air, and spicy smells that fill the home. I love backyard fires, s'mores, and fall fun!
This year is sure not to disappoint. So far on the calendar we have 2 weddings and 2 birthday's to celebrate. Weekend adventures with family and friends that include a trip to the winery, apple picking, and Merrymead Farms. And of course, finding the perfect costume, carving pumpkins, and trick or treating! Oh October you are looking good!
What are your favorite things to do this month?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just some big news

It's been over a week and I haven't posted. On top of September being a very exciting and stressful I still do not have my camera. It makes me sad to think I don't too many pictures of the kids from this past month minus a few crappy cell phone pics and some that I took with are older camera. Hopefully today or tomorrow should be it. 
September is coming to an end and with it comes something I am very excited to share. We bought a HOUSE! Our first real place that will be ours to own. Long story short Brian and I had started looking around just to see what was on the market and in our price range. We were hoping that come next Spring we would be ready to buy. Little did we know that within 1 week and having only gone through 2 houses we would find the one we would want to live in and raise our family. We are going through all the paperwork and other home buying steps and come November 15, 2011 we will finally be able to move in. The whole process is moving along really smooth thanks to the help of our awesome realtor and friend Karen.
I know having went through only 2 houses seems a little crazy but let me tell you when I say it has everything we could want and more. Not to mention the moment I stepped in that house knew I never wanted to leave, I knew I wanted my family there, I knew this was our home.
I am hoping the next weeks go quick and everything continues to work out and stay on track. I have so many ideas and decorating projects lined up I can't wait to share them with you. Happy Wednesday everyone, the weekend is almost here!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5 months

Cole turned 5 months this past Saturday the17th. It also happened to be my dad's birthday. Happy birthday dad even though I know you don't read this.
This little guy is seriously growing more awesome everyday.
Here's whats going on:
Weight/Height: I have no clue but when he is for sure bigger than a month ago. He has outgrown all his 0-6 months clothes which I sadly packed away this past weekend. It was very emotional. All those tiny clothes I spent hours washing, drying, folding, organizing, and putting away when I was anxiously waiting for arrival are packed away in storage bins and banished to the basement.
Sleep: Pretty much the same as last month. He is going through 8-10 hour stretches but sometimes he'll wake up and have a hard time going back to sleep. I'll here him banging his little legs down on the mattress or talking to himself. Usually some good cuddles will help him fall right back asleep. He will nap a couple times during the day anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
Loves: Fisher Price Rain Forest bouncer, anything he can shove in his mouth, talking walks in his stroller, Sophie, and watching his brother.
What's new: Cole was given the green light to start solid foods. He's tried a variety of fruits and veggies now and is eating really well. He loves the orange one's and hate's the green. He also recently starting sitting up unsupported. We can sit him down on the floor and he manages to balance himself for a good 5-10 minutes before he comes toppling over.
Here are a few recent pic's! Sorry for the crap quality. They are from my phone and my camera is still not with me. I am making a serious effort to get it back this weekend. Also, The Smith's have a big announcement to share in the next couple weeks so be ready for some exciting news...and no, I am not pregnant!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Do something good

So by now you might know that I have a little thing for flip flops. What you might not know is that I also have a little thing for wine. Well look at what I happened to find paging through a magazine the other day. An adorable wine company called flip flop.

After investigating a little further I discovered not only is this wine interestingly named and fantastically packaged but each bottle purchased goes towards a good cause.
With the purchase of a bottle of flip flop a donation is made to Soles 4 Souls.  Soles 4 Souls is an organization that provides new shoes for victims of suffering and collects used shoes in an effort to eradicate poverty. Very cool. Oh, and did I mention that bottles start at only $7.00! I can't wait to pick myself up a bottle or 4 of this and help those in need. 
If wine isn't your thing you can still help by making a donation. Drop of locations are available all over the place, just check online to find one close to you!
To read more about  flipflop wines and soles4souls just click on the link.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My new favorite

I have a thing for blankets. I am not sure where it came from but I do and I'm okay with it. Throws, comforters, baby blankets it really doesn't matter, the more the better. Maybe the appeal is that they are primarily used for keeping warm, snuggling, and sleeping...a few other things that I really like. Oh I almost forgot...also great for fort building.
Anyway, you can imagine my happiness when I found this beautiful chunky knit throw at Pottery Barn. Not only was it gorgeous but it was also $30 off! Score. This lovely in ivory was delivered at my doorstep earlier today. I am so ready to wrap myself and my boys up in all its goodness. Chilly fall nights...bring it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We met on a Tuesday

It was about this time 5 years ago when our paths first crossed. I remember the night very well as it is one of those times in my life that seems like just yesterday. The details, the smell, everything about it is so vivid. A memory in life that is so clear, like the day we were married and the births of our children. 
It was a Tuesday and I was working at the bar. You came in dressed in your finest mesh shorts and t-shirt. You ordered a Coors Lite and chicken fingers. We introduced ourselves and talked about many things like how you just quit your job and your favorite foods included mac and cheese and pizza. You were also looking for some T.V. series suggestions and actually took my advice on what to watch. I knew you would love Grey's Anatomy. We also chatted about how much we both loved Atlantic City, you stuck to black jack and I liked roulette. It wasn't long after that we made the trip there and had our first date. 
I didn't know that night that you would be my husband one day or the father of our children. I didn't know how much I could love someone and be loved in return. I didn't know what our future held and as I look back over these past 5 years it has been quite a roller coaster.
So many things we have experienced in these years...growing, learning, and loving. All the while becoming better individuals because of each other. We have a long way to go and this is still only the beginning. Maybe it was fate that brought you in that Tuesday night or maybe it was the beer special. Whichever it may have been just know I love you either way. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Big man on campus

Here he is in all his awake at 6am, no storm is stopping me, wouldn't take my school bag off while I eat breakfast, out the door before 8, 1st day of school glory. Braeden did great and it seems like he is going to have a really fun year. Only half the class was there and Brian and I stayed the entire time so things went pretty smooth. Next Tuesday will be the real test when we drop him off by himself for an entire 2 1/2 hours. I'm not worried at all and just for the record there were no tears shed by any of us...yet.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh the places you'll go

Dear Braeden, 

I can't believe that you are starting preschool tomorrow. It seems like just yesterday you made your surprising arrival into the world. Since that October day you have been our baby, our heart, our everything. You are full of energy, life, and love. You are so interesting and I am so happy for every second we get to spend together. You love movies, reading books, helping me cook, gardening, sports, coloring, swimming, and adventure. You love your family...we are 4 peas in a pod as you would say. You are completely smitten with your brother. He looks at you with pride and admiration. I know you will be best friends and I couldn't think of a better role model for him. You are incredibly smart and I know you will excel in everything you do. 

Your Aunt Jenna gave you a book when you were born called Oh The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss. The last few pages read perfectly how I feel today and what I want for you in life. 

And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!(98 and ¾ percent guaranteed.)
Kid, you’ll move mountains!
So…be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ale Van Allen O’Shea, you’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!Your mountain is waiting.

So…get on your way!

My awesome little boy, thank you for making me a mother. You are so special and we couldn't be more proud to be your parents. Good luck tomorrow, we love you!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I had originally planned on posting today about our fun weekend and the end of summer but due to some technical difficulties with my camera I'm going a different route. Today is going to be another food post. Remember when I posted about our little garden here? Well, we are still enjoying all the goodies that are surprisingly continuing to grow. The diet plan I am following calls for a lot of protein and generous amounts of veggies so I figured I'd share one of the dishes that I've been eating a lot of lately. Scrambled egg whites with garden veggies. For this I just crack a few eggs and separate the whites from the yolk.
I chop up as many veggies as I can find. This time I used tomato and green pepper from my garden, onion and spinach. I sprayed the pan with some olive oil and saute them for a bit.

Once the vegetables are soft I add the egg, scramble away, and done. I paired it with some sliced avocado, and topped it with some cracked black pepper. 
Easy peasy and great at any time. Hopefully in a few days everything should be squared away with the camera and I'll be able to share with you a fun couple days of exciting trips, friends, family, and end of summer fun.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Fall is right around the corner and I can't wait to feel that crisp autumn air. I love this time of year. The weather gets cool, the trees turn the most gorgeous fiery colors, and of course the pumpkin spice latte makes its return.
File:The tree is on fire.jpg
Pumpkin Spice Latte

I mentioned before that I had a couple of things that are on my must have list for the next few months. So here is what I'm FALLing for:

1. Red lips-I'm taking the plunge and straying away from my comfortable pink pout with this fire engine red lipstick that's sure to stop traffic!
MAC Ruby Woo
2. Polka Dots,Stripes, & Plaid-Solids are a thing of the past. Layered, with a scarf, with a belt, with skinny jeans or leggings, with heels or some flats. Oh the possibilities! 

Old Navy/AE/AE

3. Cardigans-Preferably long and cozy. Dress it up, dress it down. Perfect for any time of day or night.

4. Spiced Pumpkin Yankee Candle-This a must have in my house this time  of year. The scent just screams fall and smells almost as good as a home baked pie!

5. Scarves-the easiest way to jazz up any outfit. They're perfect with everything and you can find them anywhere from $3.00 at a flea market to $335.00 at Bloomingdales.

Burberry Check To Solid Scarf

6. Tall Riding Boots- Don't worry if you don't have a horse or have even ever been on one. I bought myself a pair of these lovelies last year and can't wait to break them out again. Made for long strolls under that gorgeous fall foliage!
Jil Sander Flat Riding Boots

Jill Sandler

7. Blue Moon Beer- Brian and I met in the fall. We spent many nights sharing a pitcher of this while getting to know each other and watching football. Paired with an orange it's just delightful.

16-oz. Blue Moon Pilsners
8. Autumn inspired nails- An array of colors that vary from soft nudes to rich burgundy to gray-green and even pumpkin. Note to self...schedule mani ASAP!

Fall Collection

Well there you have it, some of the things that make me really happy right now. It's officially September so no need to wait...Enjoy!