Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A new month, a new me

I wanted to give you the heads up this post is about weight and is really long...reader(s) you have been warned. I'm in a rut...a post baby body rut. A barely any of my clothes fit rut. A fall is on it's way and I want some new clothes but not in a bigger size rut. Okay, moving on.
When I was pregnant with Braeden I didn't pay much attention to the scale. I started at a very healthy weight and gained around 40 lbs. He was born at the end of October and by Christmas, 9 weeks later I was able to fit back into my pre pregnancy jeans. The second time around I didn't get so lucky. This time around I only packed on 35 pounds and thought it was going to be just as easy, if not easier to lose. Chasing around a 3 year old and caring for an infant is a serious workout..right? Well long story short here I am 19 weeks in and still cannot button those same jeans. I lost some initial weight and then some but have been hovering around the same spot for the last couple months. About 15 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight and about 30 from where I would like to be.
I've been doing some work outs and eating right but nothing consistent and nothing that seems to be working. Don't get me wrong I feel awesome for having grown a healthy little human and know that it takes a lot longer than 4 1/2 months to get back the body I used to have. But, I'm tired of feeling so crappy all the time and disappointed by the numbers on the scale.
That being said I've set 3 REALISTIC goals for myself and will start on September 1st:
1. Lose 20lbs-pretty self explanatory and right in between where I was and want to be. I'm giving myself until October 22nd for this goal. 
2. Run Gobble Wobble 5K on Thanksgiving-I really want to get back into running and with the cooler weather approaching what better time to get out and hit the pavement?!
3. 30 for 30 day challenge-I found this reading through another blog and thought it was a great idea! I'm going to take a picture everyday of what I am wearing and hopefully with time will see my transformation.
I decided I would need some help so I invested in a couple things...this and this. Everything else I already have. When all is said and done, well not done but when I get back to where I want to be I am taking the day and going shopping! What better motivation than a new/smaller wardrobe?!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Something new everyday

Have you ever heard the saying that goes something like "put your foot in your mouth"? Figuratively speaking it seems a bit uncomfortable and difficult to do. Well, not for this guy...
Cole has known where is feet have been for weeks but finally was able to see how they taste. Yummy!  He also rolled over for the first time on Saturday, belly to back. We are so proud of our little Roley Coley!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wedding crasher

Happy weekend! How I look forward to Saturday and Sunday all week long. Not that I get to sleep in or anything but we do get to relax in our pj's, sip our coffee, and enjoy our time together.
This weekend we are preparing for Irene. Not the out of town friend or relative you might be thinking but the hurricane that's making her way up the east coast. We have our candles, water, canned goods, and bread all set to go just in case. 
Brian and I have a wedding to go to tonight. Our friend Rebecca is getting married and we are so happy for her and Zack. They say it's good luck for it to rain on your wedding day and with Irene on the guest list it looks like these 2 will be the luckiest people around. Congrats to them both!
However your spending your days off hope they're great and everyone stays safe. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rain, rain, go away...

And stay away...at least until summer is officially over. August has been a washout(literally) due to the record amounts of rain in these here parts. Normally I would be taking in all the sun I could trying to keep that tan going until Halloween. I'll be lucky to make it to labor day at this point. The only good thing about this weather is that I might be able to convince the hubby that these bad boys are a serious necessity! Swoon...

These Hunter boots are on my fall MUST have list along with a few other things which I can't wait to share with you very soon! 
Rain is in the forecast for the next few days but like a wise man once said: "If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm". I still have hope that I'll be able to soak up the last of the summer sun, but if I can't those candy apple red boots are sure to brighten up any gloomy day! Hubs if you are reading...hint...hint.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Shake, rattle, & roll

5.8 on the Richter Scale. Just experienced my first earthquake. It was centered in Virginia and was felt from Rhode Island to North Carolina. I was sitting at work and felt the shake and watched as the walls moved back and forth. At first I thought the office upstairs was moving furniture. Everyone just looked at each other wondering what was going on and contemplating whether or not to high tail it outside. A very weird sensation to say the least and as far as I'm concerned not as scary as expected. Brian is in Boston right now and luckily after 4 failed attempts at calling him we finally got to talk...he is safe and he didn't feel a thing.
Cole had an A+ checkup today. He is 15lb 15oz and 24 3/4 inches long. He drank 1 vaccine so fast that the nurse said it was probably the world record. He had 2 more shots in the leg, took them both like a man, and barely cried! We also got the thumbs up to start giving him cereal, fruits, and veggies. My only concern about no rolls yet(other than the ones on his legs, arms, and belly) quickly faded when the Dr. said he was perfect and growing right on track. I couldn't be more proud and if I could I would give him a little babe high five. Since I can't I'll just resort to a million kisses and hugs!  Next visit is in 2 months when he'll be 6 months...1/2 a year...slow down love.

Monday, August 22, 2011

4 months

Can this kids get any more adorable? Cole is 4 months old and I am seriously obsessed with his cuteness. He is the sweetest little guy I know.
Here are his stats:
Sleep: Goes down at around 8pm and wakes up around 6:30. He has been a little off lately though, we think he might be teething.
Eats: 6-8 oz every 3-4 hours, probably explains those little dimples in his elbows.
Height and Weight: I'm gonna say over 24 inches and about 16 lbs. We go to the doctor for his checkup and will know for sure.
What's new: grabbing everything and shoving it into his mouth, drools like a maniac, been making little raspberry noises with his lips, grabbing those feet and tries so hard to eat them, starting to recognize his name, getting way better at car rides
Loves: Sophie the giraffe, Nemo, Braeden, music, outdoors, talking, long walks, baths
Doesn't love: tummy time and being left alone
Nicknames: Cole Train,  Roley Coley, Beach Bum, & Blue Eyes

Cole, you amaze us everyday! We love every soft and squishy inch of you baby boy!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome home

We have a little pond in our backyard. It sits next to the patio and is one of my favorite things about our house.  I think it's pretty safe to say it's one of all of our favorite things here, though for different reasons...I love how peaceful it is, Braeden loves the fish, and Brian loves that it is a "body of water".
Last year we had a group of fish, Nemo, Patrick, George, and Goldie to name a few and those fish had babies. Our little pond was thriving with life and color. The winter came and went and so did all those fish. Sadly, they didn't survive the harsh snowy winter. Once the weather warmed up Brian and Braeden bought a new bunch of fish and they have been enjoying their little home ever since. 

These tiny 12 cent fish have tripled in size(most likely from Braeden giving them way too much food) and have recently welcomed a new friend.

Somehow, someway this cutie found his way to our little pond and has happily taken up residence. 
We aren't sure where he came from or the distance he traveled to find us but we're glad he's here! Welcome home froggy we know you'll love it here just as much as we do.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby birds

Yesterday in the mail Braeden received a postcard. It was from his teacher to be introducing herself, letting him know what class he would be in, all the fun things planned for this year, and that she hopes he enjoys the rest of his summer. To see the postcard made me smile, reading it made me cry. I am a complete sap when it comes to these things and I am already preparing myself for the day when we drop him off at school(Sept 8th). Literally he has class a few hours a day 2 days a week...pull yourself together woman!
There are so many times I want to freeze time and keep them the way they are. My beautiful boys who let me kiss them, hug them, snuggle them, play games with, read stories to, and love everyday. I'll look at them laying next to me as they sleep, I want to save these images forever. Little babes dreaming away, watching their bodies rise and fall with each breath so peacefully.
This postcard was another reminder that life is in constant motion and these boys won't stay small forever. As much as I want to hold onto these moments and keep these boys just the way they are I know I have to let go. With each day is something amazing, something to enjoy, and something that while it may pass it won't be something to forget. We'll teach and love these little birds all we can until one day they'll be on there own...taking flight on their own adventures. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mixed Reviews

I keep getting mixed reviews about who Cole looks like. Some say he looks like me, some say like Brian, and some say like Braeden. The whole time I was pregnant I had envisioned him to be a duplicate of Braeden.... and was hoping he had my blue eyes. The second I saw him I didn't think they looked anything alike, though the older he gets the more he is starting to look like his big brother...but with those blue eyes.

Cole 4 months old:

Braeden 4 months old:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fun times at the Jersey Shore

We packed our bags and headed down to Ocean City, New Jersey this past weekend. Brian hadn't been all summer and the last time I was here was about 5 weeks ago when I took the boys by myself. 
A beach day isn't the same as it used to be. The old days went something like this...tan, read, sleep, ocean, and repeat. Everything I needed for the day fit perfectly in a small canvas bag. Now they revolve around sunscreen, trips to the ice cream man, sandcastles, swimming, more sunscreen, and failed attempts at mom trying to stay sand free. 
I've been going to Ocean City since I was a baby making that 29 years of sandy feet, boardwalk fun, and wild sea hair. One of my favorite sayings is as follows:

So true. We started the day on the boardwalk. There is no other place like it. The wooden planks stretch for miles, lined with t-shirt shacks, mini-golf, food, go carts, rides, waterslides, surf shops, and even a movie theater. I don't know if these places are so great for the fact that you can only get these summertime favorites here or for the simple reason they are just that good. Maybe both...

Some must eats. I highly recommend you come hungry!

Mack & Manco Pizza
Johnson's Popcorn
Kohr Brother's Soft Serve
Bob's Lemonade
Curley's Fries

I love watching all my boys together...laughing, walking hand in hand, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells that is the Jersey Shore.

The rest of the day was spent at the beach. Every summer Braeden gets more adventurous and surprises us with his dare devil antics. This year he was fearless. Diving into the ocean and riding his little boogie board like a pro. He'll sit and dig and build castles. His skin gets darker and his hair gets lighter. Cole enjoyed the breeze on his skin, laying on the towel, dipping his tiny toes in the water, and smiling at all that was going on around him. Next year he'll be on the move and getting his first real taste of sand. It makes me so happy to see the same joys the beach brings to my family that it has brought to me my entire life.