Wednesday, November 28, 2012


  1. How far along?: 8 weeks 
  2. How big is baby?: Raspberry
  3. Weight gain?: None, even after our delicious Thanksgiving feast!
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: None
  6. Best moment last week?: Finished my 1st 5K pregnant!
  7. Food cravings?: No cravings and mostly everything is seeming to make me sick
  8. Symptoms?: Nauseous all day/night, moody, and dizzy
  9. Exercise?: Ran my 5K on Thanksgiving. I've been spotting the past couple days so I'm trying to take it easy.
  10. Gender?: Don't know and we decided to wait until baby is born to find out!
  11. Movement?: None
  12. Belly button?: Always in
  13. What I miss?: Beer/wine/sushi
  14. Labor signs?: None thankfully!
  15. What I'm looking forward to?: I have an ultra sound tomorrow! I am very nervous and very excited all at the same time. When I was at the doctor yesterday I mentioned my spotting and they set my up for one to make sure everything is okay with the baby. Praying our little baby is safe and growing.
  16. Different this time: Just the amount of nausea and lack of motivation! 

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