Friday, November 16, 2012

Pregnant Lady Arm Candy

When I was pregnant with Braeden I had zero morning sickness. None at all. I don't even think I ever even gagged. With Cole things were a little different (which is why I truly thought he was going to be a girl) and the first 14-16 weeks I had occasional nausea mostly in the mornings. It wasn't horrible but it was there and it was constant. After that things went back to normal. So far this time around I feel like I'm going to throw up, ALL day long. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and run to the bathroom or I'll do the same while sitting at my desk at work. I can't shake this constant ready to vomit feeling and have tried, saltines, eating small portions, ginger ale, etc...Since nothing seems to be working I decided to invest in another remedy in hopes of some relief. I bought some Sea-Bands which are supposed to help with nausea. I'm really hoping they do because I'm not sure I can handle being sick 24/7 for the next 8-10 weeks! I'm giving them a try today and will let you know how it goes. I've just put them on and the only thing I feel so far is that I should be sweating to the oldies! I'll give it some time and see if it's a awesome buy and I'm miraculously cured or a total waist of 11 bucks! 
arm candy then
arm candy now

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