Monday, November 19, 2012

Mother's Intuition

So I was really excited about Thanksgiving this grinning ear to ear, ready to burst excited. Not only will it be our 1st year ever hosting and cooking but we were also going to share the news of our new little addition with our family. I had it envisioned in my head. All of us sitting around the dinner table waiting to say prayers. Everyone with their I am thankful for card in hand ready to open up all at the same time. Everyone was going to read the little note from Baby S #3 saying how thankful he/she was to be joining our family in July. It was going to perfect. Well it was perfect up until yesterday.
I decided to stop by my parents on the way home from the mall. I just wanted to say hi and see what everyone was up to. Of course the Eagles game was on and dad was making a pot of soup. So I grabbed some food and sat down when my mom asked if I wanted a beer. I said no and went back to eating. She then asked again with a little more of a suspicious tone and I looked up at her and said no again. Then out of the blue she asked me if I had something I wanted to tell her. Right then and there I knew, she already knew. So I responded with "well, do you want me to tell you now or do you want to be surprised on Thanksgiving with everyone else"? She was so happy and of course told me that she knew I was pregnant. Not sure how but she had been suspicious for a few weeks. Call it mother's intuition I guess. All that time I thought I was doing a great job at keeping our little secret! Nothing stays secret for long so as soon as my mom asked, my sister who was sitting right there also found out. Then my other sister and her boyfriend walked in and found out, and then she ran and told my dad. 
I am happy they know and they I don't have to keep this secret anymore, though I am thoroughly bummed that my big reveal didn't get to happen. We still have Brian's family to tell and I am trying to come up with a last minute idea for a creative way to tell them. Most likely I am going to get both the boys big brother shirts to wear. I'll let ya know how it goes! 

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