Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The snow started down around 10:00 this morning and is steadily falling. Fortunately for me it's not sticking because no one likes driving around in this crap. Unfortunately for 2 little boys who want to bundle up, go sledding, and build a snowman, today isn't going to be that day. It seems like just yesterday I was standing at that same door with my sisters, looking out at the falling snow in anticipation of a snow day. Praying school would be closed and we could spend the day in our hats and mittens. Begging our parents to take us out even if there was only a cm of white powder on the ground. 
Aunt Liz sent me this picture from earlier today. It's so amazing to know that a simple snapshot of my children can take me back to my own childhood. Bringing back memories of those feelings and times I spent with the ones I love. I am hoping they remember these times together as brothers. I am hoping that some day in the future one look at a picture will do the same for them as it has done for me.
Photo by jillian527

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