Tuesday, November 6, 2012

5 weeks

This is the 3rd time around for me being pregnant but I still find it just as exciting as the first. I am going to try and keep weekly updates of the little bean growing in my belly. It's always nice to look back and see how things grow and change. 
  1. How far along?: 5 weeks 
  2. How big is baby?: Size of an apple seed!
  3. Weight gain?: None...yet!
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: None
  6. Best moment last week?: Finding out our family is growing
  7. Food cravings?: No cravings but I've been eating a lot of tomatoes!
  8. Symptoms?: Starting to feel nauseous
  9. Exercise?: Still running 10-15 miles a week and weigh lifting. I have a 5K scheduled on Thanksgiving so it's keeping me motivated.
  10. Gender?: Don't know and we decided to wait until baby is born to find out!
  11. Movement?: None
  12. Belly button?: Always in
  13. What I miss?: Nothing yet. It's only been a week!
  14. Labor signs?: None thankfully!
  15. What I'm looking forward to?: Telling our family the good news! Less than 3 weeks to go!
  16. Different this time: I think it's too early to tell.

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