Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Green Olive

  1. How far along?: 9 weeks 
  2. How big is baby?: Green Olive
  3. Weight gain?: None, I've actually lost about 3 pounds
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: None
  6. Best moment last week?: Seeign the little baby and his/her little beating heart
  7. Food cravings?: No cravings and mostly everything is seeming to make me sick
  8. Symptoms?: Nauseous all day/night, exhaustion, and headaches
  9. Exercise?: None lately. I've been spotting and was told to take it was told to take it easy for a while. Hopefully I'll be able to start back up in a couple weeks.
  10. Gender?: Don't know and we decided to wait until baby is born to find out!
  11. Movement?: None
  12. Belly button?: Always in
  13. What I miss?: Beer/wine
  14. Labor signs?: None thankfully!
  15. What I'm looking forward to?: I have another appointment next week and I am going to be 10 weeks! Double digits, yay!
  16. Different this time: Just the amount of nausea and lack of motivation! 

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