Friday, July 29, 2011

Dear Cole

You are so beautiful. Your dad and I can't stop staring at you and smiling. Amazingly you stare back at us and smile too. You know who we are, know that we love you, and know that we will do anything in the world to keep you safe and happy. You are getting so chubby, your blond hair reminds me of the sun, and those eyes, the same eyes as your mom, are as blue as the sky. We love you.
You are 3 1/2 months old now. You are strong like your brother. You have been reaching for everything and never fails whatever you can get a hold of you put it in your mouth. You are such a smiley little guy and you laugh. Oh, you laugh and it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard. Your brother makes you laugh the most. You were cracking up the other day watching as he bounced around on the family room furniture. I love watching you two grow together, as brothers and as friends. He loves you so much and I can tell you love him too. You love music and being outdoors. You love taking walks and rocking in my arms. You are just so content all the time. You have been sleeping through the night since you were 8 weeks old. It is wonderful and even before that you would just wake up once or twice a night to eat then fall right back asleep.
My little heart, I love watching you grow everyday. It saddens me how fast this time goes. I try and take all the pictures I can to catch these magical moments and will keep these memories with me forever. You have made us all so happy. Thank you.

Love Always,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Home grown goodness

A little about me...I love cooking, oh and eating! Not only do I love cooking, I love cooking healthy. Yeah, I am one of those people that actually eat my veggies and like them. Even one of my favorite birthday presents ever was a cookbook...a salad cookbook, from Brian. If I could I would grow all my own veggies and make everything from scratch. That isn't quite in the cards yet but maybe one day. For now I use what I can from our tiny garden to make fresh and healthy meals for my family. For me, I'll pair that delicious meal with a fabulous cocktail(another favorite of mine). On the menu a couple nights ago: Chicken soft taco's with a minty mojito!
Chicken Soft Taco's: Take 1 pound of chicken, chop it up into extra small cubes. Once it is cooked add taco seasoning, water, and simmer. Once the chicken is finished take a whole grain soft taco shell, add chicken, and top with your favorite's. I use sour cream, home grown tomatoes, lettuce, corn, and cheese.
Mojito: Muddle lime, mint(also from the garden), and simple syrup in a glass. Simple syrup can be made easily at home by boiling together 2 parts sugar and 1 part water. Fill glass with ice, white rum, muddled mixture, and club soda. Stir and garnish.
I'm not one for measurements and usually make my drinks on the stronger side. However you like it, this combo is light, refreshing, and perfect to make on a hot night much like the one's we've been enjoying all summer...we are currently in are sixth heat wave so far. Stay cool.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Silver Lake

In 35 hours we drove 740 miles, traveled through 3 states, spent time with family.

We swam in the lake, played games, went to The Beach House, watched the sunset, slept.

We watched the sunrise, swam some more, caught minnows, took a ride on the boat, took lots of pictures, and said our goodbyes.

It was a fast and fantastic weekend and I'm still exhausted and still have yet to unpack. I am so happy we made the trip up to Brian's childhood vacation spot. I even learned a few things along the way. 1. I was not the only Silver Lake "newbie". 2. Brian's family had been traveling up to that same spot for over a 100 years! To be part of a century old tradition is pretty cool. 3. The "big rock" isn't that big. The boys did awesome the whole trip. Cole slept, ate, and was pretty happy the whole ride. Considering he can barely go 5 minutes in the car without screaming his head off I would call the trip a success. Braeden as always, was content watching his movies and singing along to the radio. 
We are already excited for next years trip, however we've decided we'll be staying the week instead of just a few days. To be honest I've always considered myself a beach girl but Silver Lake has me hook line and sinker. I'll call it a tie being my heart has room for both and love every minute I get to spend at either one.
I can't even describe the beauty of it all so I'll let the pictures do the talking...enjoy!

Friday, July 22, 2011

The weekend, and some firsts

I am so glad it is Friday! I have officially survived 2 weeks back at work. This week went a lot quicker than last and I must admit we are getting pretty good at our little morning routine. It does help to have a 3 1/2 year old that dresses himself and always holds the door for me when we are on our way out. He makes me laugh every morning, he'll walk over carrying his shoes, one in each hand. He'll hold them out and ask if he has them on the correct side before he puts them on. I can't believe in just a few months he'll be putting on those shoes and we'll be heading out the door for nursery school. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital.
We have a fun filled weekend planned. We are traveling up to Albany to visit Brian's grandparents. It will be the first time they will meet Cole and a very special trip. It is also a first for me. After we visit the grandparents we are off to Silver Lake. A vacation spot that Brian has gone to since he was little and has many fond memories of. This will be my first of hopefully many trips we can make there as a family. I am really looking forward to spending time with Brian, the boys, and all the rest of Brian's family we don't get to see to often being everyone is spread out across the country. He always tells me stories of his childhood, so many happy ones at Silver Lake. He is a kid again when he talks about his family, the adventures they had, and the games they played. One game in particular where Pa(Brian's grandfather) would hand out dollar bills to the kids as they were the first to do things. The first to catch a fish, the first to find a frog, the first to do a cannonball into the lake. I was never there but it makes me laugh to imagine all these little kids running around like crazy hoping to be the first and so proudly going up to Pa and getting that dough. Brian got his final dollar almost 4 years ago from Pa. It was when Braeden was born and was for having the first great grandson in the family. Sadly we will only stay till Sunday while everyone gets to enjoy the week together. I'm sure some new tradition's will be found and some old one's will find there way to a new generation. 
I've got a lot to do before our little adventure so it's off to pack. Happy weekend friends.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The fruits of my labor

Back in early May when the weather was beginning to warm up we decided to plant a garden. I knew the timing was right because it was truly spring.  The air was getting warm and thick. The sun trickled through the blinds a little earlier each morning taking over the duties of the alarm clock. And, the only shoes I would have to worry about for the next 5 months were my flip flops...oh I love flip flops...and tiny baby fingers and toes.

So, I went to Braeden and asked him for help and what he wanted to grow. He told me he wanted cucumbers and tomatoes. Off we went to Lowe's garden center and picked up 4 cucumber plants, 2 peppers, 2 tomatoes(1 beefsteak/1 cherry) and mint. He was so excited to help and rolled up his sleeves and got to work with his little shovel. I did the same but with my new gardening tools the guys had given me for Mother's Day.

We had so much fun together, and of course Cole was there too. Snoozing in his seat next to us the whole time. We weeded, dug, planted, and watered. He checked out all the bugs and smelled all the leaves. I smiled the whole time enjoying this time with my boys. Watching, learning, daydreaming of all the meals I'll make with these veggies. Those days of my maternity leave, just the 3 of us while dad was at work, I loved. It is so special share the things I love with these boys...the sun, the fresh air, the outdoors. My time off with them both didn't last long, 12 weeks to be exact and from here on out they will be few and far between...for now. Though I'll remember that day, these times with every tomato I pick and cucumber I slice up for a fresh summery salad.

Our little garden that began only a few months ago is blossoming and booming with beautiful colors and smells. They watch the garden grow and I watch them, getting bigger and more beautiful by the second.

Everyday when I pick them up after work, we go out water our veggies, pick the brightest and ripest of the bunch, and enjoy them with our dinner. Our first meal: chicken tacos and a lovely mojito for and pictures to come!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So it begins

I've been thinking about this blogging thing for a while now. Today I am finally putting the pen to paper and seeing what unfolds. During this new adventure I hope to find inspiration and maybe even do a little inspiring myself. On my blog to do list: become more tech savvy, learn how to take better pictures, and share the beauty of the everyday things that make me smile. 
Love...unconditional, instant, magical. My beautiful boys, my greatest joy in life. These two make my heart smile.