A few days after Wes was born we had the very wonderful and talented Andrea Warden come to our home to take some pictures of our family and it's newest member. She did an amazing job capturing our boys and all the love between The Smith's. She was patient and so kind and I couldn't be happier with how our photo's turned out. I am so grateful to have these precious memories to keep forever. Thank you Andrea!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Wesley Brian Smith
Our sweet Wesley Brian arrived on his due date, July 9, 2013. He weighed 7lb 4oz and was 20 inches long. It has taken me over a month to get on here and announce his birth. I will just say that this perfect and precious little boy sure has stole our hearts. Especially those of his 2 older brothers who just adore him. This time goes by so fast and we are enjoying each beautiful second of this life of ours.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
The Day They Meet
I made these shirts for the day our 3 guys meet each other. I don't know how I'm going to handle all the cuteness once they have these on and they are all together for the first time.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Boys, Bump, and The Beach
I had scheduled to take the day off of work yesterday 6/24/13. I was going to use is to catch up with laundry, cleaning, and finishing up some baby prep. Instead I followed that little voice that always seems to call when I need it the most. That little voice that interestingly enough sounds a lot like the beach. I packed up the boys, my sisters, this belly, and we all headed down to Ocean City, NJ for a day of fun in the sun.
These boys have salt water running through their blood just like their momma. They love everything about the shore...finding sea shells, walking the boardwalk, swimming in the sea, and building sand castles.
It was a picture perfect day and it was pure joy being with my 2 amazing little men. We only have 2 weeks left until baby brother's arrival so I've been trying to soak up as much of these guys as I can.
These boys have salt water running through their blood just like their momma. They love everything about the shore...finding sea shells, walking the boardwalk, swimming in the sea, and building sand castles.
It was a picture perfect day and it was pure joy being with my 2 amazing little men. We only have 2 weeks left until baby brother's arrival so I've been trying to soak up as much of these guys as I can.
Friday, June 21, 2013
There She Grows
A little game of catch up on this baby bump. 30-36 weeks!
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
- How far along?: 37 weeks and 3 days! 18 days and counting until we meet our baby boy!
- How big is baby?: Watermelon but it feels more like 3 watermelon's.
- Weight gain?: Up a total of 16 lbs.
- Stretch marks?: None
- Maternity clothes?: I wear whatever fits these days maternity or non maternity!
- Best moment last week?: We are getting really close to finishing up his room and another good doctor appointment!
- Food cravings?: I can't stop eating ice cream!
- Symptoms?: I still feel great!
- Exercise?: Chasing after my 5 and 2 year old and spending some time in the pool.
- Gender?: Boy!
- Movement?: Lots of strong kicks and rolls
- Belly button?: In...still
- What I miss?: Mostly being able to function without a huge belly getting in the way.
- Labor signs? Contractions and some other sure tell signs that he will soon be arriving!
- What I'm looking forward to?: Meeting our baby boy and spending the summer with the kids since I'll be off of work!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Name Game
Wow, I can hardly believe it's only 27 days until the little guy makes his arrival! I also can't believe I haven't been on here in over 2 months...sorry. Things have defiantly progressed but one thing hasn't changed, the little guy still remains nameless. We go back and forth everyday between a few we like and have since the beginning. It usually lasts about 5 minutes and then it turns into who can out do who in the crazy name game. The kids are always good for suggestions too. Optimus Prime Smith does have a nice ring to it.
Hopefully we can come up with something in the next 4 weeks. Suggestions welcome!
Hopefully we can come up with something in the next 4 weeks. Suggestions welcome!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Forever Young
Braeden and I were walking home from the nature center on Tuesday. I want to make sure that I never forget our conversation...
B: Mom, what would you do if I were 10?
J: I would cry, I don't want you to be 10 yet.
B: What if I were 6?
J: I would be sad, I'm not ready for you to get older so fast. I want you to stay little forever.
B: Okay mom, I'll try an stay little for you, but don't go crying when my birthday comes around.
That kid sure does know how to make me laugh, and even if he does grow up and get older, I know he's always going to be my sweet little boy.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
- How far along?: 26 weeks! Officially double digits and 96 days and counting!
- How big is baby?: Head of lettuce
- Weight gain?: Up about 9 lbs!
- Stretch marks?: None
- Maternity clothes?: Tops and bottoms both maternity and non maternity
- Best moment last week?: Easter was really nice and the kids had so much from decorating eggs, having multiple egg hunts, and eating lots of candy!
- Food cravings?: Nothing really these past few weeks.
- Symptoms?: Feeling really good and hoping it continues
- Exercise?: Nothing really. Hopefully the weather will warm up and I can start taking some walks outside
- Gender?: Boy!
- Movement?: He has been moving a lot and getting a lot stronger
- Belly button?: Always in
- What I miss?: A nice cold beer
- Labor signs? Maybe a few braxton hicks here and there but that's about it
- What I'm looking forward to?: Glucose test this week...haha not really but if all goes well that will be it for the testing and blood work the rest of this pregnancy!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
- How far along?: 24! Less than 16 to go! Shots above are from 22,23, & 24! Better late than never?!
- How big is baby?: Size of a cantaloupe
- Weight gain?: Up about 6 lbs from the start
- Stretch marks?: None
- Maternity clothes?: Tops and bottoms both maternity and non maternity
- Best moment last week?: Started getting stuff for the nursery together!
- Food cravings?: Sweets! All I want is candy and ice cream! Oye.
- Symptoms?: Feeling pretty good lately! Yay!
- Exercise?: Does chasing around a 5 year old and almost 2 year old count?
- Gender?: Boy!
- Movement?: Been feeling a lot of movement usually after I eat and when it's bed time! Haha
- Belly button?: Always in
- What I miss?: Beer
- Labor signs?: None thankfully!
- What I'm looking forward to?: Figuring out a name for this little one! Suggestions welcome!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Nursery Decor
Roughly 4 months until little guy makes his arrival. The thought of this makes me break into a cold sweat...mostly so because he still doesn't have a name(more on that later). There is so much to do and so little time. 4 months left to get everything I need together for his arrival, clean, paint, decorate, etc...Thankfully Pinterest has made the search for the perfect bedding, colors, and decor a very simple process. I literally have found everything I want for this little guy design wise and have a neat little place to keep it all, with access to links and prices only a click away. Here are a couple samples of what I have in mind for his room.

All links for credit and purchasing can be found here: #3
All links for credit and purchasing can be found here: #3
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
- How far along?: 21 weeks, moving right along
- How big is baby?: Size of a pomegranate
- Weight gain?: I think I'm right at where we started
- Stretch marks?: None
- Maternity clothes?: Tops and bottoms both maternity and non maternity
- Best moment last week?: Nothing too exciting
- Food cravings?: Fruit and nuts
- Symptoms?: Feeling pretty good lately! Yay!
- Exercise?: Does chasing around a 5 year old and almost 2 year old count?
- Gender?: Boy!
- Movement?: Been feeling movement daily! It's so exciting to know our little bean is bouncing away in there.
- Belly button?: Always in
- What I miss?: Beer
- Labor signs?: None thankfully!
- What I'm looking forward to?: Starting to work on the little guys room! I have so many ideas!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Boy Oh Boy
I am so surprised and beyond excited to be adding a 3rd boy to our family. Being that I am 1 of 3 girls never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this to have happened. He is perfect, healthy, and is so lucky to have 2 of the best big brothers to teach him all he needs to know! 20 weeks until we meet you little one!
Via Pinterest |
Via Pinterest |
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
- How far along?: 20 weeks - half baked
- How big is baby?: Size of a banana!
- Weight gain?: I think I'm right at where we started
- Stretch marks?: None
- Maternity clothes?: Tops and bottoms both maternity and non maternity
- Best moment last week?: Found out we are having a healthy and beautiful baby BOY!
- Food cravings?: Not really craving anything this week
- Symptoms?: Feeling pretty good lately! Yay!
- Exercise?: Nothing much lately. Hopefully something soon.
- Gender?: Boy! I am completely outnumbered 4-1! Yikes!
- Movement?: Been feeling movement daily! It's so exciting to know our little bean is bouncing away in there.
- Belly button?: Always in
- What I miss?: Beer
- Labor signs?: None thankfully!
- What I'm looking forward to?: Starting to work on the little guys room! I have so many ideas!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Funny thing about these boys, it's sometimes hard to tell whether they are loving or fighting each other...Maybe it's always a little bit of both?
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
- How far along?: 19 weeks!
- How big is baby?: Size of a mango
- Weight gain?: Still down 1lb as of last weeks appointment
- Stretch marks?: None
- Maternity clothes?: I've been shopping for some clothes lately. Mostly spring/summer stuff in hopes that I can wear it soon!
- Best moment last week?: Had a good appointment
- Food cravings?: Salads!
- Symptoms?: Feeling pretty good lately! Yay!
- Exercise?: Nothing much lately. Hopefully something soon.
- Gender?: We have our anatomy scan tomorrow and will find out if we our adding a baby boy or baby girl to our family on Valentine's Day!
- Movement?: Been feeling monvement daily! It's so exciting to know our little bean is bouncing away in there.
- Belly button?: Always in
- What I miss?: Wine and a good nights sleep!
- Labor signs?: None thankfully!
- What I'm looking forward to?: Our anatomy scan and making sure baby is healthy and growing as he/she should be
- Different this time: No gut feeling or baby dreams so I have no guesses on what #3 is going to be!
Friday, February 8, 2013
What to Wear
I'm really interested in baby wearing and think it's something that I am going to invest in with this baby. The ease and convenience of being able to strap on baby and have my hands free while trying to wrangle 2 other little ones seems like a no brainer. It also makes me wonder why I didn't get one of these sooner. There are so many options out there to choose from and I have been spending a lot of time online looking at reviews and getting opinions on what one's people like best and why. I think it is one of those things though that I am going to have to go see for myself. Try them all on and see what I feel is most comfortable. Below are a few that I've had my eye on and hopefully can get to check out in the next few months! Do you baby wear? What are your favorites and why? I'd love to know!
Beco Gemini |
Baby K' Tan |
Sakura Bloom |
Ergo |
Maya Wrap |
Baby Hawk Mei Tai |
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