Friday, June 21, 2013

There She Grows

A little game of catch up on this baby bump. 30-36 weeks!

  1. How far along?: 37 weeks and 3 days! 18 days and counting until we meet our baby boy!
  2. How big is baby?: Watermelon but it feels more like 3 watermelon's.
  3. Weight gain?: Up a total of 16 lbs. 
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: I wear whatever fits these days maternity or non maternity!
  6. Best moment last week?: We are getting really close to finishing up his room and another good doctor appointment!
  7. Food cravings?: I can't stop eating ice cream!
  8. Symptoms?: I still feel great!
  9. Exercise?: Chasing after my 5 and 2 year old and spending some time in the pool.
  10. Gender?: Boy! 
  11. Movement?: Lots of strong kicks and rolls
  12. Belly button?: In...still
  13. What I miss?: Mostly being able to function without a huge belly getting in the way.
  14. Labor signs? Contractions and some other sure tell signs that he will soon be arriving!
  15. What I'm looking forward to?: Meeting our baby boy and spending the summer with the kids since I'll be off of work!

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