Tuesday, January 17, 2012

9 months

Dear Cole,
You are 9 months old today. It also happens to be your great grandmother's 84th birthday. Time goes so quickly when you have children. You will learn that on your own one day. For now we live in the present and enjoy what each day brings. To say that you make us the happiest most thankful parents in the world is an understatement. You really are one amazing little baby. Not only do we love you, you love us back...especially your brother. You adore each other. I love just watching you play together. He loves to make you laugh and you love to chase him around. You boys are best friends and I hope it always stays that way. You have the best smile and the cutest little giggles. Whenever anyone asks me about you I always let them know you are the sweetest little guy with a go with the flow attitude. Except when your hungry and that fiery temper comes out...it's more like feed me now! You have 2 bottom teeth and have 4 more coming in up top. Surprisingly you are still as content as ever. You are on the move and making me nervous and so proud. You've been crawling for a while now and can pull yourself up on the furniture and walk around while holding on to something. Your newest trick is climbing up the stairs and I always find you hiding under your high chair. You love being in the fresh air and without fail a long walk outside turns into a nice long nap. I know you are going to love adventure. You love playing in the bathtub and hate when it's time to get out and get dressed. We go to the doctor on Thursday so I'll have the official stats as far as height, weight, etc...You will also be getting some shots. I know you'll be tough and show your brother he has nothing to be afraid of.
When I was pregnant with you I always wondered what our life would be as a family of 4. Looking back, nothing I ever imagined even comes close to how truly beautiful life really is since you've arrived  Happy 9 months little one, you are our sunshine.

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