Monday, February 27, 2012

10 months

It happened over a week ago...little man hit the double digits in months. The big 1 is right around the corner and I'm starting to get together ideas for his 1st birthday party. I can't even describe the happiness that Cole has brought us since he has arrived. We smile more, hug more, laugh more, and love more. 
Everyday is something new. He can say mama, dad, ball, and what I think is kitty cat. He can walk around while supported and I'm sure his first steps on his own are not too far in the future. He has 6 teeth, 2 on the bottom and 4 up top. Trust me when I say that toothy grin is all you need to brighten up any day. He's been eating lots of new foods and found a serious love for ice cream. He loves looking out the back sliding glass doors making "oooh" sounds. He loves being outside. He loves when we read to him. When he hears music he loves to bounce and dance. He loves bath time and can't wait until we can take him into the pool and ocean. He loves being held, sitting on our laps, or laying next to us. He loves to love, and we love to love him right back. 

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