Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Baby fever

I am pretty sure that 99.9% of everyone we know is expecting. Well maybe not that many but it sure seems like it. It feels like every other week someone is announcing the big news! Some will be first time parents and others will be adding on to the ones they already have. Either way I am excited for them all and can't wait to meet the sweet babes when they arrive.
It also makes me want another...bad. Brian and I have been discussing number 3 for quite some time now. If it were completely up to him I am sure they would have already been here. There are many reasons why I want to wait rather than rush but a couple of reasons as to why sooner is better than later. Our hesitation is based on 2 things: enjoying Cole as a "baby" and getting things done around the house. Cole isn't even 1 yet and I love focusing all of our attention to how he is growing and learning everyday. The house is coming along but there are still a lot of things that I would like to have done. On the flip side, we are getting older and have envisioned our lives as young parents. Also, we have always agreed that we want 4 kids. 
I feel as if I am being pulled in multiple directions with this decision. I guess bottom line really is, it happens when it happens and whenever the case we will be completely thrilled. Until then I'll love my babies and all the ones that we will soon welcome into the world!

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