Monday, February 27, 2012

10 months

It happened over a week ago...little man hit the double digits in months. The big 1 is right around the corner and I'm starting to get together ideas for his 1st birthday party. I can't even describe the happiness that Cole has brought us since he has arrived. We smile more, hug more, laugh more, and love more. 
Everyday is something new. He can say mama, dad, ball, and what I think is kitty cat. He can walk around while supported and I'm sure his first steps on his own are not too far in the future. He has 6 teeth, 2 on the bottom and 4 up top. Trust me when I say that toothy grin is all you need to brighten up any day. He's been eating lots of new foods and found a serious love for ice cream. He loves looking out the back sliding glass doors making "oooh" sounds. He loves being outside. He loves when we read to him. When he hears music he loves to bounce and dance. He loves bath time and can't wait until we can take him into the pool and ocean. He loves being held, sitting on our laps, or laying next to us. He loves to love, and we love to love him right back. 

Mantel Makeover

When I decided to start a blog I had a few intentions which I posted here. We are a good 8 months in and I can say that yes my photo taking has gotten better, though I use that term lightly and I have definately gotten to know how to use my computer a little better. It's a work in progress as is most things in life and pretty much everything in our house.
We have been living here for almost 4 months now. That's 4 months  of unpacking, moving furniture, painting, and decorating. Our house is finally feeling like a home and I happy to finally share one of our first projects.
If you look back to this you can see the walls were a light yellow when we moved in. We painted the room a sage green and off white. All the trim and mantel are true white. The fire place is at the center of our house. Right smack dab in the middle and one of the first things you would see if you walked in. It was really important to make this the focal point of the room and showcase or family as well as keeping it natural and able to flow with the rest of the room. Overall, I am really happy how it turned out but still need to add a few pictures to the frames and a few other pieces as I find them. Here it is from start to finish:

Center picture: Raymour and Flanigan. When we bought our couches we received a $100.00 gift card and put it towards the print. It ended up costing 65 cents out of pocket. Score
Picture Frames: A few I had, other's from Etsy, and Homegood's
Vase and flowers: Both from Pottery Barn
Letter S: From craft store which I plan to jazz up a little in the near future.
Candle sticks/Candles: We've had these for years. I bought them at Target. The sticks used to be a cherry color but I spray painted them black to match everything else
Lantern: From the Yankee Candle outlet

Living Room Wall Paint: Sherwin Williams:

Trim and Mantel: Lowe's Olympic

Friday, February 24, 2012


It's a cold, rainy, gloomy day and I've got one thing on my mind...Winter it's time to say your goodbyes!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Somebody LOVES the park...and now that the weather is starting to get a little warmer I'm sure we'll be spending A LOT more time there...just hanging out! I seriously can't get enough of those sweet smiles. Big brother can't get enough of pushing little brother a little too high and a little too fast in that swing. Little brother likes...mama not so much. Oh boy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be mine

I would consider myself a very lucky lady...instead of 1 Valentine, I have 3. These guys are my heart! Wishing you a beautiful day of love.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Baby fever

I am pretty sure that 99.9% of everyone we know is expecting. Well maybe not that many but it sure seems like it. It feels like every other week someone is announcing the big news! Some will be first time parents and others will be adding on to the ones they already have. Either way I am excited for them all and can't wait to meet the sweet babes when they arrive.
It also makes me want another...bad. Brian and I have been discussing number 3 for quite some time now. If it were completely up to him I am sure they would have already been here. There are many reasons why I want to wait rather than rush but a couple of reasons as to why sooner is better than later. Our hesitation is based on 2 things: enjoying Cole as a "baby" and getting things done around the house. Cole isn't even 1 yet and I love focusing all of our attention to how he is growing and learning everyday. The house is coming along but there are still a lot of things that I would like to have done. On the flip side, we are getting older and have envisioned our lives as young parents. Also, we have always agreed that we want 4 kids. 
I feel as if I am being pulled in multiple directions with this decision. I guess bottom line really is, it happens when it happens and whenever the case we will be completely thrilled. Until then I'll love my babies and all the ones that we will soon welcome into the world!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I'm just going to come out and say stinks. Work stinks even more when you have 2 awesome little dudes at home playing together, laughing, learning, and loving. I am a full time mom who also happens to work full time. Stinks...
I work so we can pay our bills, feed our family, and provide a future for those 2 little dudes. My job isn't horrible, the people I work with are nice, and I can't complain about my commute(a 3 mile commute is pretty great). I can't be sad that we are fortunate enough to send our children to my parents during day. Who better than us to raise our kids than the same loving, nurturing people who raised me? Not sure but I think I turned out pretty sweet!
I sit here at my desk at work feeling guilty for not being with my kids right now. For all I know Cole could have taken his first steps. I never had this kind of guilt with Braeden. I know I always wanted to be home with him, but I knew that getting our life together was our main goal. Eye on the prize. Well here we are 4 years later with another family member living in a beautiful new home. Our debt has depleted and we are in a really great place. Brian and I have talked about me becoming a stay at home mom. He know's it is what I want, it's what I need. It's what this non aspiring, no career direction, college drop out has always known. I just want to be a mama and take care of my family. In reality, it's what I do best. Though changing dirty diapers and making dinners doesn't pay the bills.
I think it will happen, I think it will be soon. Brian works so hard everyday and everything he does is for our family. I know he is really great at what he does and the people at his company love him and have such praise for him. I know there are great things lined up for him. I know that he would be willing to work 2 jobs so that I wouldn't have to at all. I would never want that  since we would never get to see each other.
Being a working mom is rough. I just want to be at home with them, take day trips to the park, go to the library, make my kids lunch, and enjoy every second of the time we have together while they are so young. It goes so fast and I will never get this time back...ever. Until the time comes when this dream becomes a reality we make the most of the time we have with each other. We watch these boys play, learn, laugh, and love even if it's only on the weekends.