Friday, May 18, 2012

13 months

It's hard to believe but our little Cole baby is no longer well...a baby. It's crazy that over the past few weeks since turning 1 he really has begun to grow. He is doing so many more "big boy" things and it really is something new everyday. Just a couple of stats on this beautiful blue eyed blond haired cutie:
Say What?! His vocabulary is steadily growing at a rapid rate. Sometimes it feels like we have a parrot in these here parts.
He is still a tiny little guy in my opinion. I think it's because Braeden was such a little chuck and in the 90th percentile for height and weight. Cole's been hovering around the 50th percentile and growing at a steady rate since he was born. He was just about 28 inches and 22 pounds at his last check up.
His favorite things include playing hide and seek or just hiding. I always find him behind furniture, under chairs, or in the closet. It is the funniest thing because he will actually stay so quiet and still while we call out "where's Cole"? Once we find him he gives a huge smile and sneaky giggle. He also LOVES being outside. He will sit at the back sliding glass doors and look outside and point. Sometimes if we walk past the door while I'm holding him he throws his body in that direction and has a mini tantrum that we aren't heading out. He also loves going through all the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen. Taking things out and putting them back in. I've had a lot of fun searching for all my cooking utensils and not being able to find them. And of course...he loves his brother. I'll always find them playing together, chasing each other, and sometimes even in a sweet embrace. It's been such a fun year watching them grow and turn into such good friends. 
It really has been a beautiful year since he has arrived and we have experienced so many things as a family of 4. I feel so grateful for such a kind and wonderful family.

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