Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Trouble maker

Over the past month or so we've been having a little trouble with Braeden at school. I don't know if it's the end of the year itch or something else going on. Whatever it is he doesn't seem to ever want to talk about it. It started out that when I went to pick him up he would always be in a bad mood. Next I got a couple reports from the teacher that he was yelling at the other kids and acting aggressive. After that I had a talk with the teacher after class about him biting another kid. Lastly, I was called in for a parent-teacher conference where I learned he pushed another kid. I was angry, sad, embarrassed, worried, and mostly frustrated. My sweet little guy was acting out and I had no idea why. 
After sitting down with his teacher we came up with a reward and punishment program for him to follow. He would have a 3 strikes and your out type of program to follow. If he got an X he would get a time out for 4 minutes. He got 3 chances and if he ended up with 3 X's he would then have to go to another classroom for an 8 minute time out. On the other side of that if he was good all day and received no X's he would get a certificate of reward. Since starting this program he has received 1 X and 4 certificate's(which are proudly displayed on the refrigerator). Everyday when I drop him off we go over what is expected of him and ever since our meeting things have really done a complete 360. He is down to only 3 days left of school this year(wow that went fast) and then it's time for summer break. I'm hoping his good behavior continues or we are in for a lot of trouble come fall when he is going to school 4 days a week as opposed to 2. 

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