Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thumbs Up

To the last day of school! Summer vacation has officially started!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Favorite Things: Pretty in Pink

I've mentioned before that when we moved in our house this past November the grounds were pretty much barren. We had no clue what to expect foliage wise come spring. Well much to my surprise we were graced with not 1 but 2 of my favorite flower bushes. I've been eyeing up my peonies the past couple days waiting for those pink fragrant blooms to bust open so I could snip off a few and bring them indoors. Today was my lucky day!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Trouble maker

Over the past month or so we've been having a little trouble with Braeden at school. I don't know if it's the end of the year itch or something else going on. Whatever it is he doesn't seem to ever want to talk about it. It started out that when I went to pick him up he would always be in a bad mood. Next I got a couple reports from the teacher that he was yelling at the other kids and acting aggressive. After that I had a talk with the teacher after class about him biting another kid. Lastly, I was called in for a parent-teacher conference where I learned he pushed another kid. I was angry, sad, embarrassed, worried, and mostly frustrated. My sweet little guy was acting out and I had no idea why. 
After sitting down with his teacher we came up with a reward and punishment program for him to follow. He would have a 3 strikes and your out type of program to follow. If he got an X he would get a time out for 4 minutes. He got 3 chances and if he ended up with 3 X's he would then have to go to another classroom for an 8 minute time out. On the other side of that if he was good all day and received no X's he would get a certificate of reward. Since starting this program he has received 1 X and 4 certificate's(which are proudly displayed on the refrigerator). Everyday when I drop him off we go over what is expected of him and ever since our meeting things have really done a complete 360. He is down to only 3 days left of school this year(wow that went fast) and then it's time for summer break. I'm hoping his good behavior continues or we are in for a lot of trouble come fall when he is going to school 4 days a week as opposed to 2. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

13 months

It's hard to believe but our little Cole baby is no longer well...a baby. It's crazy that over the past few weeks since turning 1 he really has begun to grow. He is doing so many more "big boy" things and it really is something new everyday. Just a couple of stats on this beautiful blue eyed blond haired cutie:
Say What?! His vocabulary is steadily growing at a rapid rate. Sometimes it feels like we have a parrot in these here parts.
He is still a tiny little guy in my opinion. I think it's because Braeden was such a little chuck and in the 90th percentile for height and weight. Cole's been hovering around the 50th percentile and growing at a steady rate since he was born. He was just about 28 inches and 22 pounds at his last check up.
His favorite things include playing hide and seek or just hiding. I always find him behind furniture, under chairs, or in the closet. It is the funniest thing because he will actually stay so quiet and still while we call out "where's Cole"? Once we find him he gives a huge smile and sneaky giggle. He also LOVES being outside. He will sit at the back sliding glass doors and look outside and point. Sometimes if we walk past the door while I'm holding him he throws his body in that direction and has a mini tantrum that we aren't heading out. He also loves going through all the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen. Taking things out and putting them back in. I've had a lot of fun searching for all my cooking utensils and not being able to find them. And of course...he loves his brother. I'll always find them playing together, chasing each other, and sometimes even in a sweet embrace. It's been such a fun year watching them grow and turn into such good friends. 
It really has been a beautiful year since he has arrived and we have experienced so many things as a family of 4. I feel so grateful for such a kind and wonderful family.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day couldn't have been more perfect, the weather couldn't have been more beautiful, and my children couldn't be more adorable. My 3 guys really know how to make a mama feel special. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

A weekend in May

I've been a big time slacker around here and I suppose that it has something to do with the fact that since Cole's 1st party I haven't taken any pictures of our lovely family! That will all change this weekend since we have some big plans. Tonight I have a date with my super studly hubby.  He was able to snag some Phillies tickets from work so we'll be heading down to Citizen's Bank Park for some baseball, beer, and a little alone time...well maybe not entirely alone since we will be there with 40,000 other people but it's always nice to spend some QT without the kids. Double score also since the company has great seats and the tickets were free!
Saturday Braeden has a T-Ball game early in the morning and then we are heading to a birthday party later in the afternoon for friend's son and daughter. 
Sunday is Mother's Day. The weather is supposed to be beautiful so we have decided to take a day trip down the shore. Enjoy a breakfast by the beach, walk the boardwalk, and spend the day with each other. I am so lucky and feel so honored to be a mom to 2 of the most special little boys ever. Those 2 cuties are why I get to be celebrated and loved not just 1 day a year but 365.
Happy weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Under The Big Top

Cole's 1st birthday party was a success! The weather was perfect and everyone had a lot of fun celebrating! Guests entered through the "tent" to find, balloons, games, soft pretzels, peanuts, popcorn, burgers, hot dogs, and of course cotton candy! It was such a special day to share with our family and friends.