Tuesday, January 22, 2013


  1. How far along?: 16weeks!
  2. How big is baby?: Size of an avocado
  3. Weight gain?: Still down 2 pounds, trying to pack it on but nothing is working
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: A pair of maternity leggings.
  6. Best moment last week?: Spending time with family and friends and celebrating the life of a wonderful man
  7. Food cravings?: Fruit smoothies!
  8. Symptoms?: Still getting headaches and some morning sickness but over all feeling really good
  9. Exercise?: Does chasing around a 5 year old and 21 month old count?
  10. Gender?: We caved and are now going to find out. We have our anatomy scan on 2/13 and will hold out until Valentine's Day to see what our own little Valentine will be!
  11. Movement?: I've been feeling some movement. Nothing consistent yet.
  12. Belly button?: Always in
  13. What I miss?: Sushi and a cold beer
  14. Labor signs?: None thankfully!
  15. What I'm looking forward to?: Our anatomy scan and making sure baby is healthy and growing as he/she should be
  16. Different this time: No gut feeling or baby dreams so I have no guesses on what #3 is going to be!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lets Go For a Ride

I made my first baby purchase last week. I am patiently waiting for the arrival of this piece of art and inspiration for baby #3's nursery. I had a general idea of what I wanted and was pleasantly surprised when it didn't take too many hours of searching to find exactly what I was looking for. My search started and ended with one of my favorite sites, Etsy. I have bought a lot of things off of this site from cookies to party decorations. 
The specific shop was called pixieblossoms and it carried a variety of whimsical carnival prints. I found the most perfect shot of a ferris wheel with beautiful colors and character and instantly knew it was the one I wanted for our baby. Here's hoping that delivery won't take too long because I cannot wait to see what the final product looks like and get it hanging on the wall! Baby on the other hand can keep me waiting until July!

shabby chic baby,nursery decor, nursery wall art, carnival photo,pastel colors,baby girl room,kids art,ferris wheel

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


  1. How far along?: 14 weeks!
  2. How big is baby?: Size of a lemon
  3. Weight gain?: I get weighed tomorrow so I'll know for sure
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: None but I did look in a few stores over the weekend.
  6. Best moment last week?: Announcing to the world that we are expecting again!
  7. Food cravings?: Fruit 
  8. Symptoms?: Finally feeling like myself again! Hello second tri!
  9. Exercise?: Went to the gym! Did 2 miles on the treadmill and some weights! It felt great!
  10. Gender?: Don't know, thinking about possibly finding out now...
  11. Movement?: I sometimes I feel little pops here and there. Maybe baby??
  12. Belly button?: Always in
  13. What I miss?: Wine
  14. Labor signs?: None thankfully!
  15. What I'm looking forward to?: My next doctor's appointment tomorrow and most likely scheduling my anatomy scan!
  16. Different this time: No gut feeling or baby dreams so I have no guesses on what #3 is going to be!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

And Then There Were 3

We sent out this announcement on New Year's Day. It feels so great to not be keeping this secret any longer and to have made it to my second trimester!! I'm not sure why, but this baby and the fact that we are going to have 3 kids has recently become very real!! I seriously can't stop smiling!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Just Peachy

  1. How far along?: 13 weeks!
  2. How big is baby?: Size of a peach
  3. Weight gain?: Down 3lbs total. Starting to gain back what I've lost from all the crap eating I've been doing these past few weeks!
  4. Stretch marks?: None
  5. Maternity clothes?: None
  6. Best moment last week?: I had an ultra sound and the baby is looking beautiful so far!
  7. Food cravings?: Fruit and salad
  8. Symptoms?: Headaches and some mild morning sickness
  9. Exercise?: Nothing in a while. Starting up very soon now that I'm feeling back to normal.
  10. Gender?: Don't know, thinking about possibly finding out now...
  11. Movement?: None yet. Can't wait to feel some kicks!
  12. Belly button?: Always in
  13. What I miss?: Wine
  14. Labor signs?: None thankfully!
  15. What I'm looking forward to?: My next doctor's appointment next Wednesday.
  16. Different this time: Just the amount of nausea and lack of motivation!