Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy weekend

This weekend we will be celebrating Cole's 1st birthday! It was supposed to be last Sunday but due to mother nature and those always lovely April showers it was pushed back a week. All is well and I can't wait to celebrate our little guy "under the big top"!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Stop and smell the roses

We moved into our house the middle of November. The last of the firey colored leaves were falling to the ground and our yard was preparing for winter. Little did we know what to expect with the arrival of spring.  Saturday was lovely and with my list of to-do's crossed off I did something I haven't done in a while...I sat back and relaxed. I wondered around the house with my camera in one hand and iPod in the other. I took pictures, sat by the pond, smelled flowers, stared at the clouds, and enjoyed the beauty that is blossoming all around us. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday

My Dearest Cole,
I can't believe a year has gone by since we welcomed you into the world. I remember the day before you were born, I threw a coin into a fountain and made a wish to meet you...there you were the next day. I thought long and hard about what to write to you today and I quickly realized I couldn't possibly put it all here in this little spot. I'll make this short and sweet. Thank you for an amazing year. You have filled our lives with so much happiness and our hearts with so much love. Wishing you the very happiest 1st birthday baby boy! 
All my love, 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Beat the heat

The temp is close to 90 today. What better way to stay cool then by eating popsicles and splashing around! 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Almost 1

To my blue eyed, blond haired, little boy:
Today was my due date but you showed up a little late. It's hard to believe in 2 days you will no longer be a baby. I'm going to hold onto these last few moments as long as I can knowing I will never get them back. This year was more beautiful because of you. 
Love: Mommy

Friday, April 13, 2012


We signed little B up to play some T-Ball. He's had 2 practices so far and his first game is this Saturday. It is the most adorable thing to see those little kiddo's out on the field, chasing after balls, hitting off the tee, and in our case blowing dandilions into the wind...This should be an interesting experience for everyone. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Easter was beautiful. It was filled with egg hunts, family, delicious food, fresh flowers, a sunny sky, and lots of candy. The kids managed to take part in the festivities and loved every minute of it. I'm pretty sure between them both we ended up with over 100 eggs. Hope your Easter brought you as much to smile about as ours did.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hoppy Friday

It's Friday...yay! I would be a lot more excited if I were at home with my 3 guys. Easter is this Sunday and Brian has off work today. I on the other hand do not. I wish I were at home, hanging out, enjoying this cool but sunny April day with my 3 favorite's. I'm sure they are having a lot of fun boy time without me. 
We have a busy weekend ahead. Braeden has his first ever T-Ball practice tomorrow. I am so excited to see him all geared up in his little cleats and baseball hat. After that we are headed off to a friends house for a 4th birthday party and egg hunt. Sunday we are having my family over for breakfast and then heading to Brian's mom's for dinner. Hopefully we can relax a little and I am ever so glad the we won't be spending the weekend doing home improvement projects. 
Hope you all have a great weekend and Happy Easter!
Hard to believe this was our little bunny almost a year ago! Isn't he the cutest!

Monday, April 2, 2012

5 years

A picture from our wedding day. 5 years ago on March 28, 2007 we married. We vowed to love each other through sickness and in health till death do us part. It wasn't the dream day I would have imagined and sadly our entire family wasn't in attendance. But 5 years later here we are still in love and raising 2 beautiful little boys.  Brian is everything and more than I could ever have hoped for in a husband and father. I spent the day serving jury duty while Brian was at work. We celebrated with a dinner of cheeseburgers on the grill. I can't believe how quickly the time has passed since we said "I do".