Friday, June 1, 2012


I am 30. Not really sure when or how I got here because I literally just remember turning 20. I was in Orlando Florida finishing up my second year at UCF. I celebrated at The Hard Rock Cafe with my roommate's and I can vividly remember the waiter bringing over a desert and singing "Happy Birthday". I guess when I think of those past 10 years they were so far the most influential and life changing of any I had experienced. I learned more about myself then in the previous 20 years prior. I became so much more then I ever was before. 
My early twenties are pretty much a blur. I worked a couple jobs, went to school, hung out with friends, and enjoyed being young and care free. I made a lot of mistakes, fortunately none to serious and enjoyed every second of it. Then came those mid 20's and life soon changed with a fated twist. I became a wife and a mother all in the same year. My late 20's were complete joy and life just really fell into place. I became a mother again and we made a house a home.
It's crazy to have been here 3 decades, but as I look back to what I envisioned my life at 30 to look like I can honestly say it is exactly the same and completely different than I had imagined.
In life there are some things that just don't change no matter how many years that pass. With that said once again I celebrated my birthday in the same way as I have pretty much my whole life. I enjoyed the day relaxing by my parents pool, had family to surround me, and topped it off with my favorite strawberry shortcake birthday dessert. I've already been told that the next 10 years are going to fly. If that is the case I'm ready to sit back and enjoy the ride. I'm embracing 30 and everything that comes with it(minus the wrinkles)!

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