Tuesday, October 30, 2012


October 29, 2007 was my due date with Braeden. It's funny how these simple little dates remain with us for ever. Even though he arrived a few days early I'll never forget that was the day my 1st baby boy was due. His actual birthday, October 24th just came and went and I can officially say I have a 5 year old! Is that even possible? He is the one that made me a mama and he fills everyday with love, laughter, and happiness. He is so smart, so sweet, and the greatest big brother. 
October 29th, 2012  will mark another of those "never forget" special dates. It was the day that we found out our family once again is growing! Come July 2013, The Smith's will be a family of 5! The only people that know as of right now are Brian and I. We plan on doing things a little different this time around and holding off on telling our relatives and friends until a few months in. We want to save this special time for us and keep this small secret between us. I am figuring we will let our immediate family know on Thanksgiving and the rest of everyone else around Christmas. We are beyond excited to be expecting and are looking forward to the next 9 months and getting to meet our little firecracker!


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