Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Doing something right

The other day I dropped Braeden off at school. As I walked him in I was stopped by his teacher. She proceeded to tell me what a sweet child he is. She went to say how great he is in class, how much he loves to help, and that he is such a delight to have around. I wish I could have seen my own face as she spoke. I'm sure the initial expression was priceless. A look that said, "huh, are you sure you are talking about my kid, my Braeden?" (Knowing perfectly well there is no other by the same name in his class). I was caught off guard for sure and as quick as that shocked look came across a different one took its place. A look of promise, a look of pride, and a huge smile. I thanked her a hundred times for the kind words and told her how happy I was to hear he was doing so well.
I walked out of there analyzing what had just happened.  Going over in my mind the words that she spoke about our little guy...then it hit me...holy cow, we as parents are doing good...we are doing something right! I already knew how great he is. I already knew that he loves to give hugs and help us around the house. I already knew that his smile can brighten any cloudy day. I already knew that he is the sweetest boy and my heart melts every time he tells me I am beautiful or that his dad is the coolest. 
Why was I so surprised by the words his teacher spoke when in reality I actually already knew? For me it was the fact of someone else seeing, feeling, and experiencing what I do everyday. Someone not wearing those rose colored glasses or that has any bias towards our amazing little man. A confirmation that we are doing good and our children ARE turning out just as we hoped...even if it's something we already know.

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