Wednesday, October 12, 2011

School days

I just wanted to give you a little update on Braeden and how he is doing in school. I just have to say the kids loves it. Every morning when he wakes up the first thing he asks is if he has school. My answer is either not today or yes. His response is either an disappointed awe man or an excited oh yeah followed by him running into his room and putting on the first thing he could find. The yes response is also always followed by me letting him know that school doesn't start for another couple hours and that he needs to get a bath, eat breakfast, and brush his teeth before we leave. 
A few things. He always insists that Cole come with us when we drop him off. I know he likes showing off his little brother as much as I do. He proudly shows me his artwork that is hanging in the hallway on display. He is so excited to point out his as he knows how his name is spelled. The kid is really talented and we recently put up our first piece of refrigerator art! He has so much fun with all the kids and his teachers. We even put him in an extended session called lunch bunch this past Tuesday. He stayed 3 hours longer, played, and had lunch there. The teachers were very impressed by how well he did his first shot at it. I love picking him up each day and asking how it went. He is so animated when he tells me all the fun he had that day.
I am so glad that he is doing so well and exceeding all of out expectations. He has always been such a special little boy and I love the person he is growing into. 

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